What is your body, mind and emotions trying to tell you?
In meditation we take the first step towards truly exploring the nature of our being; I don’t mean just the fact that we are a personality with a body, thought and emotions acting in the world, but exploring the parts of ourselves that is not readily talked about in the day to day business of the world.
It is rare to find ourselves in a conversation about the Metaphysical existence of our being - things like our Vital force - the etheric field, prana, qi, the Soul and the Monad. These are the parts that we cannot see, but we find its expression in the body, the mind and the emotions. We don’t know that there is a vital force that keeps us healthy and in homeostasis until we get ill and the vital force expresses its imbalance in a physical, mental or emotional symptoms.
There are various symptomatic expressions that we can observe when the Vital Force or the connection to our Soul is disturbed. These disturbances can come from internal processes, external factors, ancestral patterns and even past lives.
It is important to notice the symptomatic expression of the disturbance to the vital force, if we can catch it early we can start to rebalance. Examples of symptomatic expression can be anything from anxiety, repetitive thoughts, sadness, aches and pains, accidents and so many more. When we are able to witness these expressions from the Vital Force we can act to bring back harmony and balance to our being.
There are many ways that we can bring back harmony and balance and it incorporates the physical as well as the esoteric. Below are a few ways, there are of course endless expressions of tools that can help us in the world of phenomena.
The ones I mention here are from years of testing and trying a gazillion tools, remedies and meditation practise:
Breathing deeply: when my Tai chi teacher told me years ago “just breathe” no matter the problem I had, he annoyed me like crazy… 25 years later and I now know he was right. It might sound too simple but really it is that easy.
Mantra Meditation: doing a Mantra like “Om mane padme hum” …..taking refuge. The repetition of mantra as meditation has transformed my life. It is much quicker than silent meditation and vibrates the whole body, calms the nervous system, connects you to the hierarchy of love… I could go on for ages… ultimately you have to try the practise and marvel at the benefits.
Sitting down immediately: meditate for a few minutes to discern and discriminate what’s going on, deep inside… your body, your heart, your soul…check in within yourself, even if it means hiding in the toilet for a few minutes. It will give you time and is loads more effective than counting to ten.
Always feel what you need to feel: sometimes you might need to wait a while for the true feeling to reveal itself, but if you give it time and honour the process, it will allow itself to flow through you and reveal it’s nature. The first time might be quite intense but you will get better at it. Eventually you will have a whole colour palette of potential emotions that you really know very well. You will also know when and where you are more susceptible to an “overwhelm” or a specific emotion.
Taking a break: always take breaks… Just relax… be the hippie you were meant to be.
Bach flower remedies: these are brilliant to calm most things that are bubbling up. Just have a few in your at hand and drop them in a glass of water. There are loads of information on them, you can find the ones that resonate with you most. Just trust your inner guidance to help you choose.
Homeopathic remedies: get a little kit with basic remedies, learn some basic acute remedies and use them as needed to support you. They have plant, animal, mineral as well as other juicy things that help bring the Vital Force back to balance.
Etheric Weavers: google Buddha Maitreya and get yourself a weaver, it brings the light into your etheric field and instantly clears upsets. I have used it in many dark and cloudy situations and it always shines through. It connects you to the light of Buddha nature.
You can do all of the above one at a time and see which one works. If you are like me, you can do all of them at once… just to make sure.
Of course, my ultimate favourite is a regular, early morning meditation practise. It provides the foundation for all the explorations you want to do on yourself. This will give you a daily opportunity to deepen your understanding of the myriad of ways in which the Vital Force, Etheric Field and Soul that is expressing itself to you and through you.
A daily practise helps us be aware in the moment, it creates an extra moment in time, just before we become overwhelmed, where we can step back. Instead of becoming overwhelmed immediately we have a moment to observe the symptomatic expressions of the vital force as a physical, mental and emotional expression.
and lastly… come and join a Meditation class with our lovely crowd, a place to freely share your stories of self discovery and meditate with others who are serious about “knowing thyself”….
Feel free to ask any questions you might have, I am here for you.
Lots of love :)