I cannot remember where I found this quote years back, hand scribbled in a notebook...If anyone knows who, please let me know...Enjoy!
“To us, this is what the mantra really was. You go to the great master who sees that the entire world is vibratory patterns. He sees that you are a unique vibratory pattern in the universe. He sings the acoustic octave of this sound to you, you sing it back until you know it and memorize it, then you go off and meditate and chant this sound to yourself - resonate yourself from the inside out and balance yourself right down to the core of your consciousness.
For example, the imbalances one may experience physically, emotionally, or mentally are external projections of the only real imbalance that can exist in consciousness itself. Reaching this place and coming into balance -me with my self- is the only way I can heal the real cause of my pain and suffering.”