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What is Divine Mantra Meditation?

"Sound is one of the most profound tools for healing.

Divine Mantra Meditation harnesses the power of sound

to start you on a journey of deep and transformative healing,

nourishment and Soul power"


Every Wednesday Evening @ 18:30 pm UK time zone via Zoom.

Mantra Meditation uses the meditative repetition of natural sounds

using our own voice. Using our own voice to produce sound is the most powerful tool we have to shift our neurochemistry and neurobiology as well as a powerful technique to connect to our Highest Self.

No need for any singing experience, only requirement is your voice,

just the way it is.













Divine Mantra Meditation is one of the oldest known Vibrational Medicines and Sound Therapies on the planet. Research has confirmed that sounds effect the frequencies inside and outside of us. 

The science, art and philosophy of Mantra is based on thousands of years of collective practice by those seeking to connect to deeper states of awareness.

The sound combinations and teachings we use in Divine Mantra Meditation come from a variety of ancient wisdom traditions.





  • realigns our nervous system

  • restores optimal sleep patterns

  • releases anxiety and depression

  • stills and transcends the mind

  • clears the debris and negativity from the subconscious 

  • heals our relationship with near and dear

  • clears our environment of negativity

  • slows cell aging

  • brings us to deeper states of awareness

  • naturally develops our spiritual gifts and knowing

  • strengthens our cosmic energy

Mantra Meditation classes will also help you:

Identify and use mantras to tune your four body system as well as your external environment.

Create a sound therapy sequence to use daily in your own home to bring balance, remove negativity and experience peace.

Use mantra to access specific sound vibrations that are connected to your inner organic structure, chakra system; elemental and planetary energies.

Learn to ride the waves of nature; however it manifests in your life, instead of being overcome by it.


"If you feel the calling to embark on a transformational exploration of Sound I invite you to come and join a class.

Start your journey of deep healing, Self Mastery and transformation today"

spiritual life coach accept natural spirit
with mantra meditation feel the water flow
Image by Rajarshi Bhadra





"The mantra meditation with Elizabeth was a very special experience.

As we began repeating the ancient prayers, the sound of my voice and that of 10 other people in the room

started to vibrate through my entire body, clearing, cleansing my thoughts

and feelings leaving me resting in peace.

I felt calm and grounded with a sense of quietness inside my head that

I haven’t experienced for a long time. It was like arriving home, back to my own Soul."

Gabriella, Oxford, UK


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