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Image by Nikolett Emmert











It is very hard to know where to start or how to deepen your Healing journey and Spiritual development. Especially if you have been mentally, emotionally or physically struggling for a long time. Sessions with me help you find the clarity to know where to start and how to take the next best step towards your Healing and Self-Discovery.


​​​​We are all unique and need Healing and Spiritual Coaching that suits the specific time and place we are at in our life.


This is an opportunity to find valuable support in a safe and nurturing environment to see what is keeping you stuck in familiar patterns, habits and behaviours and preventing your natural healing processes.


We can work as deep as you need, to discover the healing you need.


All of you is welcome here!​​​



Join me for an invigorating

Healing and Spiritual Coaching Session. 



£88 per hour




























"I offer a unique combination

of Healing and Spiritual Coaching"



The healing and transformation of our physical, mental, emotional and etheric bodies is important to give us the energy, vitality and clarity we need.


We need this to navigate our life and to experience more peace, positivity, joy, kindness and love. Without this we are adrift in an ocean of unnecessary suffering and confusion. Our energy becomes depleted and we lose our purpose.




Healing and Spiritual Coaching gives you the

time and space to kick start your natural healing

and transformation. 



In order to make the most out of our time together, I offer clear guidance, connection, loving presence and a variety of tried and tested tools and techniques. 


In a calm, peaceful environment with effective guidance it is possible to stimulate the body's natural healing abilities.  Also restore imbalances back to the light, love, inner peace and joy that is your true nature.


Finding our way back home to our true nature and purpose in life is not always clear and each one of us has a unique constellation of explorations to make, initiations to experience and wisdom to intuit.




If you don't know where to start, how to go deeper or you just feel overwhelmed,

let us discover what is needed for this

next crucial step in your life together.






Image by Rajarshi Bhadra


"Elizabeth is like a real-life angel, this is the best description I could come up with, that would fit what she has been for me these last two years. She is always there, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, I perceive her calming presence all the time, in a very non-invasive way. Because she would never invade any space she is not allowed to. Even if she would be allowed, Elizabeth knows exactly where to draw the line with her advice & the helpful Wisdom she shares.
Her guiding voice during mantra meditation sessions is magical & truly one of the many great gifts she has!"


—  Dr. Daria Chobrok , Sweden

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Spiritual Coaching

and Healing One to One Sessions

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