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Hello, Elizabeth here...

I am intimately familiar with the unnecessary suffering of life, it has pushed me to seek my own healing and the light. I have learnt from depression, anxiety, addiction, self doubt, fear, possession, self harming, self-depreciation, psychological labels, auto-immune disease, paranoia, worthlessness, burn-out and insomnia...that is why everything is welcome in our session together.


I understand how these unnecessary sufferings cast a shadow over our capacity to be lovingly present in our life. It prevents us from bringing healing, balance and harmony to our dysfunctional relationships with ourselves, our loved ones, our community and our environment. 

I have always tried to follow my inner guidance even though at times it was quite far from what I ever imagined is possible or seemed like madness to myself and others. I have travelled, sat as a student at desks in fancy institutions, footstools in the middle of nowhere, at the feet of Masters, dusty street corners with beggars and lost in the wild of nature. 


I wanted healing and I wanted to understand the Self and the Cosmos. All the tricky questions. Most of all I wanted to understand if true Healing is possible. Healing of body, mind, emotions and Spirit. I tried and tested everything I encountered on my explorations; numerous approaches to health, well-being and spirituality.


I have allowed these experiences to teach and transform so that I can distill the medicines needed to bring balance, harmony and peace to my own life. Also to share that with you. This is my life purpose and I see myself as a student of the Universe that would like to be in service of you on your life journey.

I love to work in the spirit of collaboration. Understanding that within you are all the answers you need. My role is as a facilitator of healing and transformation in you. I am here to create time and space for you to be deeply seen, heard and felt in the present moment.  I believe that healing is a very simple, human process; guided by the ability of the body to self heal when the right time, space and guidance is available.


Looking forward to meeting you! 



This page could not be possible without acknowledging all my Teachers; my Mother and Father, my Husband and my Daughters, who have embraced me as I am. It has not been easy and there was lots to work with :) Thank you for the love, for being there; even in my darkest hours and for showing me the parts of myself I can't see. Also thank you to all my students and clients for teaching me and keeping me on the path. 

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